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How to List Products & Offers on WarriorPlus (And OTOs/Upsells)
How to List Products & Offers on WarriorPlus (And OTOs/Upsells)
Updated over a week ago

In order to sell a product on WarriorPlus, you must setup an 'Offer'.

An 'Offer' is simply a way to group your 'Products' and make them available for sale to others. For the most part with this system, you will NOT sell a 'Product' directly -- you will create 'Offers' and add your Products to them.

Vendors can also set up powerful sales funnels with unlimited products, upsells and downsells.

This system has been designed to be as easy to use as possible, but here is a quick rundown on how it works:

1. Create your Products first

No matter if you are selling a single product, or multiple products as part of a sales funnel, the first thing to do is create all of your products. This is done by going to the Products page in the Vendor area, and clicking the green '+ New Product' button near the top right.

Even if you only have 1 product in your offer / funnel, you still need to create an 'Offer' (instructions below) and add the 1 product to it.

2. Create your Offer

Creating an offer is easy. Simply visit the Offers page in the Vendor area and click the green '+ New Offer' button near the top right.

3. Add your Offer Pages

Once your offer is created, you will be taken to the offer setup screen. Here you will be able to create your sales process for your offer.

The first page -- Main page -- will be created for you automatically. You will just need to create any additional pages you need for your upsells and downsells, if applicable.

4. Add your Products to the correct Offer Pages

Once all of your pages are created, you will click the green '+ Add Product' button on each page to add the products that you will be selling on that page. You can have as many products as you like on each page, which is useful if you present your buyer with multiple options.

5. Connect your Offer Pages with Upsells and/or Downsells

If you have multiple Offer Pages, that means you have upsells and downsells you will be presenting to your buyers as part of the sales process.

To add an upsell, simply click the black plus ('+') icon next to the product. This will open a popup, in which you can select which Offer Page you want the buyer to go to if they buy this product.

To add a downsell, simply click the orange plus ('+') icon at the bottom right of the Offer Page card, and follow the same process. The buyer is directed to a downsell when they click the 'No Thanks' link on your page. The code for the no thanks link is provided for you in the 'Get Code' area.

As you start adding upsells and downsells, you will notice an Offer Map appear at the bottom of the page to show you a visual representation of what your sales funnel looks like. If something is wrong, you should be able to spot it here.

6. Get the Buy Button Code for each Offer Page

On each Offer Page card, you will see a button near the bottom that says 'Get Code'. This will open a popup with all of the codes you need to put on your salespage. This includes the Button Code for each product on your page, as well as the Downsell/No Thanks link for any of your funnel pages.

You must use this code exactly as given for your funnel to function properly. You can choose between W+ Button and the Pixel option.

The W+ Button Option will give you a buy button image and,

The Pixel Option allows you to use your own buttons, as long as you have the pixel AS-IS on the page somewhere below the <head>.

7. Validate your Buy Button Code

Once you get all the embed codes on your pages, you can make sure it is right by click the exclamation point ('!') icon right next to the 'Get Code' button on each Offer Page. WarriorPlus will look at your page for you, and will report back if everything looks good, or if something needs fixing.

When everything looks right on a page and WarriorPlus can validate it, the '!' will turn to a green check mark button, letting you know that the page is good to go.

NOTE: Certain page builders (ie ClickFunnels) might make it so that the buy button checker doesn't recognize the button. As long as you have the code (or pixel) on your page AS IS at least once - and it appears to be working - you should be fine.

8. Activate your Offer

Now that you have everything setup and working, you can click the 'Activate Offer' button and either make your offer live right away, or schedule it for release at some future date. If your offer is set as 'Public', then once activated (and approved for compliance) it will show up in the Marketplace. And, if you are using the Affiliate Program, it will also show on the Affiliate Offers page.

9. Submit for Approval

Once everything above is done, you may submit your offer for approval.

Getting approval accomplishes TWO things:

  1. IF this is your first offer on WarriorPlus, getting approval is required in order to sell your product(s) on WarriorPlus.

  2. Whether you've had a previous offer approved or not, each offer must be individually approved for 'public' sale IF you want it to be displayed in the public marketplace. If your offer is only approved for 'private' sales, then you will be able to sell the product and have affiliates, but it will not be displayed publicly. (see below)


As mentioned above, your Offer may be approved for the Public Marketplace OR may only get approved to be sold privately.

There is a Public Toggle in your Offer Settings, which you can set to ON or OFF.


If you wish to sell it publicly, but were only approved for private, the compliance team will let you know in the approval thread within the Offer Editor page, in detail, what you need to fix in order to get approved for Public.

Public Marketplace = your offer shows up in the marketplace for buyers AND affiliates.

Private = your offer can be sold by you and/or affiliates, but will not be shown on the public marketplace.

Some sellers choose to set certain Offers to 'private' such as back-end webinar offers, or a myriad of different reasons. The choice is yours!


And that's it! This process is fairly easy once you get used to it, and we believe it is quite intuitive. With any changes, though, we know there can be a learning curve and we are here to help. If you just can't figure something out, please open a support ticket and we will help you get everything straightened out.

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