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WarriorPlus Compliance Guidelines
WarriorPlus Compliance Guidelines

How to Get Your Offer Approved & Be Compliant...

Updated over a week ago

Basic Compliance Guidelines:

  1. Your sales page, copy and product must adhere to FTC rules (link below).

  2. Make sure your sales copy matches your product content. For example, if your sales copy claims that your product teaches how to profit with CPA offers, but the info inside is more geared towards affiliate offers -- that is a problem.

  3. Only use real proof. This should seem obvious and yes, the opposite does happen in this industry. It's very hard to police on a mass scale, but please report it to us if you see it happening and of course, don't participate in using fake proof of any kind -- if you're caught, the consequences aren't worth it.

  4. Only use real scarcity. If you have a timer on your sales page, you will need to have variable pricing setup within your Offer. You can set the price to increase after every X sales or after X time and you can cap the price at a maximum. If this isn't set up properly, your offer might not be approved.

  5. Give accurate description of "steps." It is not acceptable to list unrealistic steps (for example: "Step 1: Open... Step 2: Click... Step 3: Earn!" is not acceptable).

  6. Talk about your own results. When making claims, it's important to talk about your own results VS. promising specific results (ie "This Software Got Us 1,000 Clicks" instead of "Get 1,000 Clicks with this Software").

  7. Be original, unique and fresh. Sure, there are a limited number of topics to cover; but simply putting your name on a PLR report isn't helping anyone (especially your reputation long-term).

  8. Provide quality to the marketplace. Products of poor quality might make money in the short-term, but they end up with tons of refund requests, unhappy buyers & affiliates and then you end up on our list of people to keep a close eye on (or take action against).

  9. Make sure your support URL/email is working. When your buyers cannot reach you, they contact us, and then we contact you. If we cannot reach you -- you could end up being suspended or banned.

  10. Make sure your product delivery process is smooth. Nothing is worse than getting a bunch of refund requests all because your buyers couldn't access their product after purchase.

  11. Exit pops are great, but it is not acceptable to use exit pops that 'take the sale away' from affiliate(s) in any way.

  12. Direct, unrealistic or 'gimmicky' income claims give this market a bad name. We know a lot of you can stand behind your claims and that's great... Just be sure to use them appropriately (i.e. it's better to tell a story about how YOU achieved specific results instead of claiming that your readers will definitely achieve the same results. Be clear that results are not typical).

  13. You Must Have a Clear Earnings Disclaimer. There is some great info about earnings disclaimers HERE (not associated with W+).

  14. You Must Have a Privacy Policy on Your Sales Page.

  15. You Must Use the WarriorPlus Provided Disclaimer. Located in the "Get Code" section where you also obtain the Buy Button code.

  16. You Must Use the WarriorPlus Buy Button Code. You can use the provided buttons OR just use the pixel-only option. But the code MUST be used.

  17. Honesty is the best policy. "Hype" will only get you so far and people can smell a "gimmicky" offer from miles away nowadays. Go with a more straightforward approach and you'll see positive results.

  18. Testimonials should be about the product you are selling. If you have any testimonials that are about you 'in general' -- it's important to be very clear about that above or below the testimonial and separate those from the ones that are about the product being sold.

  19. Disclose when a testimonial is from an 'affiliate' or from someone who was given a free review copy of the product.

  20. Use of "Lifetime" and "Unlimited" is limited. You must follow FTC guidelines when using terms such as these. If you use the term "Lifetime" you must specify for the "lifetime of what" (for example, the lifetime of the offer, company, membership, etc)

  21. You MUST abide by the Terms of Service (ToS) of the Merchant Account providers. PayPal Terms can be found HERE. Stripe Terms can be found HERE.


Proof of Claims Video Walkthrough

During the Offer Approval process, you may be required to submit a screencast video highlighting ALL "claims" made on your sales page and where they can be found/proven within the product itself.

Some important guidelines when creating your video:

  • The video should be made specifically for our compliance/approvals team, and will not be shared publicly.

  • The video must highlight each claim you make, and clearly show how each claim is true by showing it's fulfillment within the product, software, members area, etc...

  • The video should be as clear and concise as possible, making it easy for our compliance team to follow and understand, and not overly long. The main goal here is to speed up the approval process for both you and our team.

What is considered a 'claim'?

A claim is anything you say your product contains, can do, has done, etc...

Some examples include (but are not limited to)...

  • If you claim something can be done in "1 click", "60 seconds", or in "3 simple steps", your video should show it being done as stated;

  • If you claim your product includes 10,000 articles, your video should show where these are found;

  • If you claim earnings being made from your product (ie I made $6,973 last month with this method), show us proof of these earnings;

In the end, if you are unsure if something is a claim or not, just assume it is and include it as well. If we find you missed something that needs explanation, we may ask you to recreate the video to include any missed items.


Strictly Prohibited Items:

  1. Using the 'WarriorPlus' name in any way that could cause confusion for buyers or implies the message is 'from' WarriorPlus, in any promotional materials/emails.

  2. Using language such as "claim your commissions now" in any emails or copy.

  3. Fake testimonials (see FTC rules above)

  4. Fake scarcity/timers

  5. Fake ‘discount’ pricing (Must actually be for sale at ‘regular price’ somewhere)

  6. Income Claims (Especially outrageous/dishonest)

  7. Results Claims (Claiming buyers will achieve specific results without the proper disclaimers)

  8. Anything that looks too much like a “Get rich quick” scheme

  9. Using terms like "Make money online" OR "make money fast" / "make easy money" etc. (See #5)

  10. Offers or Copy that appears to be related to MLM in any way

  11. Misleading Headlines or Copy

  12. Misleading use of "3 steps" or "in 1 click" or "in XX seconds/minutes", etc. (Do NOT use claims like these if they are not 100% true and verifiable).

  13. Not effectively handling support requests and refunds

  14. “Lifetime” guarantees, “Lifetime” access, “lifetime” refund policy, etc. that go against FTC rules.

  15. Selling information or software that encourages or enables the breaking of laws or terms of other companies/website

  16. Breaking TOS or AUP of Merchant Account providers (PayPal, Stripe, Etc)

  17. Degrading customers, both to them directly and/or in public posts to other vendors, etc.

  18. "Shady" return policies (Refund front end, but not the OTOs without clear terms, etc.)

  19. Copying products or sales copy without permission from the owner

  20. Any 'Black Hat' activities

  21. Manipulating offer stats on purpose for any reason

  22. Spamming


Best Practices Copy Checklist:

  • Headline - Does the Headline Have Any ‘Income/Results Claims’ that Need to be Addressed or Reworded?

  • Testimonials - Are Any Testimonials from Affiliates/JVs? If Yes, Are they Disclosed Underneath the Video or Somewhere on the Page? Also Disclose if Any Testimonials Are for Different Products.

  • Countdown Timers - No ‘Fake’ Scarcity!

  • Earnings Disclaimer - You Must Have a Clear Earnings Disclaimer. There is some great info about earnings disclaimers HERE (not associated with W+).

  • Lifetime Guarantee/Support/Access - This is Prohibited. Change the Language if You Currently Have “Lifetime” in Your Copy.

  • Product Ownership - If You Are the Product Owner/Creator, or if You Have a License to Sell the Product, Make Sure to Select the Proper One in Product Setup.

  • Support Channel - Be Sure to Have a Proper Support Channel Setup. 

NOTE: Following the above checklist does NOT guarantee approval or protection from merchant account issues. However, we strongly advise following it as closely as possible in order to ensure quicker & easier offer approval. The checklist will be modified and added to over time.

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