As a vendor your profile page is as important to generating sales as a good profile page is for online dating. Don’t give me that look, it’s as good an analogy as any. If you’re seeking great connections on WarriorPlus, then fill out your profile page. It’s your personal branding landing page.
Truth is that if you haven’t put some effort into your profile page, you are losing conversions. The more information a person has available, the easier it is for them to make a decision.
Here are a few simple things you can do to make your profile page work for you:
Get a good photo taken
Suggested photo dimensions are 400x400 pixels. If you don’t have software to edit a photo, you can find plenty of free online editors. Ask around for a friend who’s good with taking pics (digital photography means you could know someone who’s surprisingly talented). Check out the local superstore or mall -- you might find a deal on a quick headshot session.
Be inspirational not transactional
Use your sales pages for sales pitches. On your profile page build your personal brand, share yourself a little and make a connection.
Show off
How far have you come? What did you have to do to get there? If you can do it then you can help others do it too! Here’s your chance, right on your profile page, to get that “AMEN!”
Personal brand power
The most original product you have that everyone can relate to easily, is you. We put a lot of work into powerful products that stand out from the rest, but you are your most powerful brand and making yourself stand out is really as simple as telling your story.