In our continued efforts to ensure high integrity and value in our marketplace, we have temporarily suspended approval of free products for our vendors who have not yet established a reputation on their products.
We are working on bringing this functionality back for these vendors in the future - after we are able to improve the approval process and ensure the feature is not abused by those who are not providing value to the community.
We do not currently have a timeline we can share on when free product approval for newer vendors will return, but we will keep you posted here as changes are made.
In the meantime we recommend that Vendors focus on creating quality, original products that will be of value to the community, and selling them for at least a minimal price to generate new, quality leads in their business.
Criteria for Free-Offers and Offer Auto-Approvals:
1. Free Offers
As of now, in order to have a free offer listed in our marketplace and affiliate offer pages (as well as have vendor alert emails to followers sent), there are stricter guidelines in place. These guidelines revolve around 2 major factors - your Vendor Score, and Revenue over the past 60 days.
While the numbers vary a bit (higher vendor score requires less revenue over past 60 days), basically you need at least a vendor score of 70 and between $1500 and $6000 in sales over the past 60 days in order to have ANY free offers listed in our marketplace. It doesn't matter if the offers were approved in the past, if the criteria is not met for the past 60 days, the offer will not show in the marketplaces.
2. Auto-approvals
In order to ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we no longer offer auto-approvals for offers. All offers need to go through our approval process and checks in order to be listed in our marketplace.
Updates to this policy will be posted here, as needed.