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What is the "Deal of the Day" and how can my offer be featured?
What is the "Deal of the Day" and how can my offer be featured?
Updated over a week ago

What is the "Deal of the Day" ?

The "Deal of the Day" is a special feature from WarriorPlus that is designed to give special attention to the best products for sale on the WarriorPlus Marketplace.

Each day (Mon-Sat) a new offer is featured, starting at around midnight Mountain Time (GMT -6). Each offer is featured for 24 hours, except the Saturday offer runs for 48 hours (there is no new offer on Sundays). Sometimes there are special price locks or bonuses offered by the seller during this time.


In order to have your offer be eligible to become the "Deal of the Day", there are just 2 simple steps you need to take...

  1. You must be using WarriorPlus to sell your product/offer.

  2. When editing your listing, the "Deal of the Day eligible" option must be set to "ON" using the checkbox underneath "WARRIOR+PLUS SETTINGS."

In order for us to make sure your product meets marketplace standards, we need to be able to access and review it. If any login info, passwords, etc.. are required, enter it in the product editor page, under "WARRIOR+PLUS SETTINGS."

Doing those 2 things make your offer eligible, but of course do NOT guarantee that your offer will be featured. Since there are many eligible offers created each day - and only 1 spot per day - it is not possible for everyone to get the spot.

Each day we personally review the list of eligible offers and hand-pick the ones that we think are the best and will be of most interest to WarriorPlus members.


Your account reputation is a MAJOR factor considered in the Deal of the Day selection process, even before we would consider any offer itself.

Reputation has many aspects we look at, but specifically, in order to be eligible for the DOTD award, your refund & dispute rates must be within acceptable ranges.

While we don't share the exact numbers that may be considered acceptable (as it can vary from time to time), banks and merchant providers like Paypal and Stripe consider refund rates above 10%, and dispute rates above 1%, to be high and cause for concern.

If your rates exceed our thresholds, then your offers may not be featured until those rates come down and are within the acceptable limits.

(NOTE: If you have multiple WarriorPlus accounts, the reputation of all of them may be considered, not just the one the specific offer is attached to.)


How can you increase your chances of being featured?

1. Have a Great Product - Your product needs to be of good quality, and have excellent before-and-after-the-sale support. Copying what someone else has done is not a great way to be featured, unless you bring something new and unique to it. Be different and as original as possible!

2. Get Great Reviews - If buyers like your product, you are probably doing something right. However, don't offer any sort of bribes to get reviews, as this is against the rules, and won't help. A genuinely great product will get great reviews no matter what!

3. Provide Good Value - Pricing is very important in any offer, but can be a little tricky. Most offers that get featured have found just the right "sweet spot" for pricing - not too high and not too low. A lot of people like use the "dimesale" pricing, but do NOT increase the price too fast or too much, as this is a good way to NOT get featured.

4. Conversion - Since there are so many offers posted everyday, you are going to have to stand out from the crowd. If you want to get featured, your product needs to sell! This is the easiest stat for us to look at to narrow down offers, so the better your offer converts and sells, the more chance your will get noticed.

5. Refunds - You need to have a clear refund policy, and a low refund rate. If you do not offer refunds, there is a 99% chance we will not feature your offer. If you get a lot of refunds requests, we will not feature your offer. Of course, refunds are a part of selling, and there will almost always be some who request refunds. But, if you get an unusually high number of these, there is a problem somewhere with your offer that you need to fix.

On top of the above list of what you should do, there are some things that you SHOULD NOT do...

1. DO NOT contact us asking how to get featured - We get many of these messages everyday, and 99% of the time do not respond or look at your offer. Hopefully this article will help stop this, but just know that doing this is a surefire way to NOT get noticed or featured.

2. DO NOT contact us to tell us about your offer - Similar to #1, our team gets this a lot. If your offer looks good, we will notice it. Contacting us about your offer will not help, and again, 99% of time we will not respond to these messages or look at your offer.

Hopefully this article helps you understand the "Deal of the Day" better. Most of these things should be pretty obvious. The "Deal of the Day" is designed to feature the best offers on WarriorPlus, and so whatever you can do to make your product and offer better, the greater chance it will be featured. Best of luck and success!

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