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Integrating Zapier

How to configure Zapier and connect your WarriorPlus account to it.

Updated over a week ago

How to create a Zap using the WarriorPlus app

Zapier allows you to easily connect apps that you use everyday with your WarriorPlus account. You can connect to such popular services as email providers and other apps such as Trello or Dropbox and automate repetitive tasks. 

The WarriorPlus app is a triggered app so, it performs an action based on one of 3 triggers you can enable. A trigger is simply a defined action which triggers a response. A new affiliate request could trigger different function via Zapier apps for Trello or Dropbox or a combination. You might want to automate sharing information among different applications you use such as Evernote or Trello. You can see where this is going -- you can chain apps together to create automated workflows.

The Zapier app setup steps are very intuitive and the platform will even detect when you’re missing a step and help you correct it. In just a few minutes you should have your app configured and enabled. 

Here are the three triggers you can use to activate Zapier apps:

New Affiliate Request

Triggers when a new affiliate request is made for an offer. 

NOTE: In order for WarriorPlus to send data to Zapier, you must select your Zapier integration in the Offer Editor. 

New Sale

Triggers when a new sale is made. 

NOTE: In order for WarriorPlus to send data to Zapier, you must select your Zapier integration in the Product Editor. See a screenshot here.

Prelaunch Lead

Triggers when a new prelaunch signup is made. 

NOTE: In order for WarriorPlus to send data to Zapier, you must select your Zapier integration in the Offer Editor. 

On the WarriorPlus site:

1) On the Service Integrations page,, select ‘Zapier’ as a new service. 

2) Name this integration and save it. You will need the API key value shown on the account detail page later. In most cases, you will only need one integration configuration (e.g. one API key) to create multiple Zaps. 

CAUTION: If you re-authorize the credential, the API key will change and your existing Zaps will stop working. Do not re-authorize the account unless you want to invalidate all existing Zaps.

3) Connect your offer or product. 

  1. Email/Webinar Integration section in the Product Editor page: 

  1. Affiliate Program section in the Offer Settings page: 

  1. Prelaunch Settings section in the Offer Settings page: 

Set up all product and/or offers you want to integrate. 

On the Zapier site:

  1. The WarriorPlus app is available as a Trigger app. Create a Zap by selecting ‘WarriorPlus’:

3) Three triggers are available. Select one of them (create multiple Zaps as needed). 

4) On the Choose Account page, click the ‘Connect an account’ button and enter the API key from the Service Integration page: 

5) Select optional filters on the Set Up Options page:

For example, if you want a specific button tracking code (SID) to trigger for this Zap, select a SID from the dropdown menu. 

The dropdowns are generated from your latest data. If you don’t have sales, for example, you will not see any options listed in the dropdowns when creating a Zap for a Sale trigger. If you don’t see the values you want to select in the dropdown, you can select the ‘Use a Custom Value (advanced)’ option and enter the value manually. For more info:

CAUTION: If you add a filter for a product of an offer, make sure that Zapier integration is selected for those product or offer in WarriorPlus. WarriorPlus pushes data to Zapier only if the integration is configured at the product or offer level. 

6) Pull in the samples. If successful, you should see something like this:

7) Follow rest of the Zap creation steps. (the WarriorPlus app is not available as an Action app at this time). 

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