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Marketplace & Alerts

Finding products and setting up alerts for products

Updated over a week ago

The marketplace is where you'll find products currently available on WarriorPlus. You can search for a specific vendor or use a number of different search filters for more specific results. You can "bookmark" a product by clicking the star icon on the right -- the product will then be added to your watch list.

Other ways to view products: 

When you are on the marketplace page, you will see a menu under the main navigation menu at the top of the page. This menu you lets you optimize your search for products and vendors.

Top Sellers (here)
An updated list of the top selling products.

Alerts (here)
Here you can create your own alerts for products or vendors. Just click the "Add Alert" button, then select either vendor or product and the keyword you want to search for. Matching results will be displayed on this page.

Watch List (here)
On this page you'll see a list of any products that you book marked.

My Products (here)
This is a search page for your own products on WarriorPlus.

Recent Products Feed (here)
This allows you to set up an RSS feed. RSS can send you real-time updates via email or via other notification methods. It's simple to set up and you will be among the first to know about the latest products on WarriorPlus.

My Alerts Feed (Click on "Marketplace" >> then "my alerts feed" while logged in)
This is another RSS feed featuring only those products you have on your watch list.

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